FEB 16, 2015

The Dummies Guide to Arizona Summers gives advice on what to do to keep your water supply going during extremely hot months. It shows that those who are living in Phoenix, Arizona, should be wary of having lawns because of the dry, hot weather. If you do, do not over water them. They do not recommend sprinkler systems. This is because people tend to use them more freely, using up more of the water. If you do have them, however, it is recommended that you keep the watering very low.

When you drain out the water reservoir in or around Phoenix, Arizona, you may need plumbing repairs done to your house or residence. It is much harder for things to run after the pipes are rusted from the filth that comes from sanctioning the water use.

Much-needed air conditioning also breaks down during these extremely hot months. After all, it can be tempting to use them to them to the most excessive degree to fight off the heat and remain cool at all times when inside your home. Donley Service Center services Phoenix and the valley nearby with their expert knowledge of heating and air conditioning.

Air Conditioning

You have the choice of getting an all-package replacement. This is air conditioning from the rooftop. As an alternative, you can get the split system replacement (air conditioning where the furnace and condenser unit is separate).

You can also get energy-saving services in which a professional can come to your house to clean, tune and adjust your system so that it is running more efficiently.

Support All Makes

Donley Service Center supports all makes for HVAC. Included among them are: Lennox, Trane, Goodman, Amana, Rheem and Goetti. Their techs are certified and trained to install and fix them.


Donley Service Center has been doing heating, air conditioning, HVAC repair, HVAC sales and installations since 1976. They were rewarded the BBB Ethics Award in 2004 and 2008. They always put their customers first and spare no expense in making sure that each one is satisfied with premium accommodations for all air-conditioning- and heat-related needs.

When you call the Donley Service Center, you can expect to speak with a representative of their friendly and professional staff. They will schedule for an appointment for you to meet with a representative from their experienced and friendly techs, who will walk you through everything that you need to know about repairs and installations regarding air conditioning based on your needs.