Spring in Arizona is great because you get that great 2-week period between freezing cold and sizzling hot temperatures. But if you’re like me and suffer from seasonal allergies, you’re also hyper-aware of some of the less-desired traits of great weather. Because of the abundance of pollen, dirt, and dust in the air, it’s especially important to make sure to do some HVAC cleaning. Why? HVAC system cleaning gives you the chance to clear out all the dust and dirt that accumulated over the winter, get optimal performance during the spring, and prepare for the summer — the time when you really need all obstructions cleared from the HVAC ducts. Additionally, this saves you repair or replace costs if you can find any problems during your HVAC system cleaning and remedy them while they are small. So without further ado, here is how you should go about in your HVAC cleaning and HVAC duct cleaning efforts.


Depending on the quality of the air filters you invest in, you should be replacing your air filters every 30-90 days. It’s important to invest in HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters as they are designed to trap upwards of 99.7% of particulate contaminants that regular air filters are not able to get to. While it is true that they are pricier, they are a higher quality which will give them a longer product life. Especially if you have pets, children, and/or people with allergies at home, finding and trapping dust and dirt at the earliest opportunity possible is key to living more comfortably even during the most pollen-infested season.


While HVAC cleaning, you might get the urge to simply clean out your filter and put it back in. Simply blowdrying it or scrubbing it down can’t capture the inner dirt lodged in your filter, thereby leaving it inefficient. Washing your filter risks exposing it to conditions for mold and contaminant growth. There are some new filters in the market that are washable. If you use them, you will need to wait until they are dry before putting them back in place as they can grow contaminants in your system. Another consideration point is that the difficulty in washing and cleaning current filters is due to the level of filtering that makes them able to trap contaminants. Washable filters make it so that you can pass water through them and carry out dust and dirt at the expense of having an overall system that performs at a lower quality than regular and HEPA filters. Check out the MERV ratings as you purchase filters to see what works best for you!


Air ducts are, like any other part of your home and HVAC unit, vulnerable to contaminant and mold growth. Especially if rodents and/or insects have gotten in through air ducts, they carry a number of harmful bacteria and germs that can be affecting the air quality in your home. If they happened to have brought in water somehow, there may be serious need to replace parts of your air ducts and/or vigorously clean your system as much as you can. While HVAC duct cleaning, you can take as many DIY initiatives as possible; however, because the lengths and paths of air ducts are expansive and may be difficult to get to, the Environmental Protection Agency recommends bringing in a service provider to get to molds you may not be able to get to.


Make sure to fix any and all air leaks during your HVAC duct cleaning. Summer brings with it heightened demand for AC leading to high AC bills. Conducting HVAC system cleaning throughout, especially during your HVAC duct cleaning can help you pinpoint any leaks. Sealing them up helps save you money and prevent contaminants from entering your airways. Remember to use mastic tape as they are ideal for air ducts. Foil tapes are a great alternative; however, do NOT use duct tape. After extensive research, studies find that the heat passing through air duct units render duct tape unusable. As such, during your HVAC duct cleaning process, make sure to have suitable tape in case you need it.


Your home has two different coils, the evaporator coil indoors and the condenser coil outdoor. The two work in conjunction, taking heat or cooling and expanding it into your ductwork for HVAC operations. They work, however, by touching refrigerants near the coils to either heat or cool. It’s especially important to make coil cleaning part of your HVAC system cleaning because your coils insulate by interacting with the air.


Probably the most visible part of your HVAC systems, you should include this in your HVAC cleaning. Especially during warmer climates, turning on the fan can offset the heat by 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Goodbye 120 degrees weather, hello 115 degrees weather! Okay, maybe we can be more realistic and say goodbye 73 degrees, hello 68. Checking and cleaning both sides of fan blades make sure no clumps of debris build up in your home.


HVAC cleaning is vital in ensuring the systems you pay good money for works well. And while you can take a DIY spirit for general HVAC system cleaning, some components — such as HVAC duct cleaning — may require a bit of help. If you are looking for a professional HVAC team to help, look no further! Our Comfort Heroes can save the day!